I posted a while back some modifications I had made to the DNN Blog module that I found useful, namely adding the calendar-looking date to the blog entry list. These are updated instructions for the new DNN Blog module that is now shipping with DNN 5.
Open up ViewBlog.ascx, locate and add the following after theDIV.BlogHead (line 49)
<div class="BlogPublished" title="<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "AddedDate") %>"> <span class="BlogPubMonth"> <%# Left(MonthName(Month(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "AddedDate"))), 3) %> </span> <span class="BlogPubDate"> <%# Day(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "AddedDate"))%> </span> </div>
The only change I made was to add the full date as the title of the containing DIV, so that hovering over with your mouse will give the full timestamp.
I must commend the Blog module team for making the CSS much more legible and predictable in this release, although there are still a few lingering inline styles that get in the way of fully skinning the DNN Blog. But, if that was the cost of getting awesome tags, categories, and recent items, I can find little fault in their priorities.